Got these 2 rings from Smart Set… nothing special but I thought the big flower-shaped one was cute. As for the silver one, I love curb chains but this curb-chain-inspired ring looks a little cheap and a little too shiny for my taste, but I still bought it and eventually will have one made in real matte silver just like it.
All for less than 10$…
Oh my God! I love them!
Very nice really nice!
Thanks!! But i’m super pissed… Je portais la blague en forme de fleur ce matin j’ai foutu ma main dans mon sac pour en sortir mes clés, et quand j’ai ressorti ma main, j’avais l’anneau mais j’avais plus de fleur sur le dessus :(
That’s what happens when you buy cheap…
ca c’est plate et oui tu as raison mais c’est vraiment dommage car elle est super belle!