A little obsessed over Vanessa’s hair right now. Actually, I have been for a while now. How can I not be? Look at it!
View PostA little obsessed over Vanessa’s hair right now. Actually, I have been for a while now. How can I not be? Look at it!
View PostBefore landing the awesome job I have now, I worked in advertising for 9 years. My client was the Quebec liquor board (SAQ) and on top of creating ads for them, we also had to…
View PostJ’étais chez ma soeur l’autre jour et on était assises dans la cuisine en train de placoter, quand j’entends du bruit venant de l’entrée. J’me suis demandée ce que ma nièce ou mon neveu pouvait…
View PostI saw 2 of my best girls on friday, we went our for dinner… I had mussels. I LOVE mussels (I grew up in France so I’m into any type of french bistro food…).
View PostI can be dressed like crap and have the worst hair day, but if I’m wearing dark nail polish, it changes everything. For some reason, I think it adds a touch of sexiness to your…
View PostNat et moi (Nat étant une de mes meilleures amies…), on a decidé hier après le boulot que ce serait une soirée Nachos & Sangria. Avec la journée qu’on avait eu, c’était franchement mérité.
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